submission deadline:
October 31, 2022
Award in the State of Qatar
November 29, 2020

submission deadline:
August 31, 2022
February, 2023
Submit your work
Upload your article, presentation, campaign event or training on road safety in Qatar for the opportunity to publicize your work. Please register, fill out the form and you may then upload one or more submissions to complete your submission. Your work will be reviewed by web administrators before publication on website.
Qatar Road Safety
The state of road safety in Qatar has seen many changes over the past years. Qatar is witnessing a dramatic growth and expansion of its road network over a short period to meet its surging economic activities. This has put a burden on the network and resulted in increasing road safety concerns despite the incorporation of a number of road safety features.
In 2012, to address the road safety concern in the country, the National Traffic Safety Committee was formed to lead and oversee the implementation of the National Road Safety Strategy through the Road Safety Action Plans.